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Amazing document of appointment hand signed and written by Reich Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick, creator of the antisemitic Nürnberg Laws!!!

Price:1 200,00 €
Product category: 
Military Division: 
We offer for sale this great document of 2 pages, personally signed by one of the most prominent nazis during III Reich, Wilhelm Frick. Frick was the creator and introductor of the infamous racial antisemitic Nürnberg Laws, that established the beginning of the annihilation of the Jewry in Europe. He was also the ideologist of the famous yellow star to be worn by all the jews in Europe. Frick was an Alter Kampfer or Old Nazi and he took part in the famous Putsch of Munich. Then he was Minister of Interior and Chief of the Police before delegating this responisibility on Heinrich Himmler. He was also Reichsprotektor of Böhmen und Mähren. He was caught by Allies after he end of the war and took to famous Nürnberg Trials, where he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. He was hanged in 1946, having been a very active and convinced Nazi, very close to Hitler and one of the architects of the Shoah or Holocaust. This document has also a particularity. It was written in the Reichskanzlei (the Chancellery of Hitler in Berlin) and it was approved by Hitler in The Berhof, in Bertschesgaden where he was on vacation and by Meissner himself. This document was about the appointment of a lawyer from Süd Tirol called Dr. Josef Riz to Ministerial adviser or counseilor. The document is in excellent condition and we guarantee its originality. Wilhelm's Frick signature is in black ink and there's a handwritten text above the signature. During our experience as collectors we've seen only 2 documents like this signed by Frick, and that tells us the rarity of Frick's signatures and more if it's during his duty as Reichsminister des Innern.  