3 Reich - nice catalogue of the very reputed German decorations and militaria manufacturer Assmann. $100.00 0
HJ - Set of school marks certificates issued to a boy from Düsseldorf and to his sister - 1937 to 1940 $120.00 0
League of German Girls - Very interesting photo album written like a diary that belonged to a German woman of the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel) $660.00 0
Big set to a Luftwaffe member including photos, booklets and documents of him and his family $280.00 0
Hitlerjugend members' armband multi-piece construction in near mint condition as found in a attic house in Breslau now Wroclaw in Poland! $170.00 0
Awesome photo album of a Hitler-Jugend members with outstanding photos of the Adolf Hitler Marches to Nürnberg in 1938 - Marschenheit Ostland $580.00 0
Very nice Legion Condor version of the Black wounded badge used during Spanish Civil war. 2nd type. Made from spear $150.00 0
Outstanding deluxe Hitlerjugend lower leader pentathlon competition diploma issued in 1943 in Berlin with portrait photo of Arthur Axmann $160.00 0
Big set of papers that belonged to a Hitlerjugend member who was POW in Russia and who eventually died in 1950 $380.00 0
Nice set to a boy who was a German evacuated child in a Kinderlandverschickung (KLV) area - diary and certifications booklet $130.00 0
WW 2 - Set of 2 documents regarding a Nazi youth commitment ceremony that was held in 1943 in Lublin $65.00 0
WW 2 - HJ - 3 x different yearbooks of the "Ränzlein" booklet oriented to Nazi period German youth in mountain refuges 1939-40-41 $120.00 0
WW2 German Nazi very rare HITLER YOUTH cased projector, complete with accessories Hitlerjugend HJ $895.00 0
WW 2 - Nice set of a Hitler-Jugend boy: HJ service booklet and a period photo of the school $120.00 0
Hitlerjugend - High quality pair of tea/coffee china cups decorated with Hitlerjugend motifs $220.00 0
Hitler-Jugend and Bund Deutscher Mädel proganada leaflet that recommends money saving for youngsters! $110.00 0