The Nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “The Jewish pig, she laughs fat itself ! To us Germans, leaves such dirt (trash) Comrade come to Hitler " $120.00 0
The Nazis overprinted a German inflation note with a quote from communist and Jew Karl Liebknech $180.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Sosnowitz - Very rare personal tram access ticket for a month to a Jewish men from ghetto Sosnowitz - 1942 $280.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Sosnowitz - Very rare personal tram access ticket for a month to a Jewish men from ghetto Sosnowitz - 1941 $280.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Very rare postcard sent from Ghetto Theresienstadt to Ghetto Litzmannstadt about transfer money ! $350.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - Very rare postcard sent from Ghetto Warsaw to Paris 1942 ! $500.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - Rare photo still in album-page removed from photo album depicting a Jew used as slave labor with text insulting him $100.00 0
Rare album photo sheet piece with 2 photos of Jews working in the construction of the mine roadway from Dubno to Rowno $140.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Sandomierz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! Dated 1940 $70.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 4 Polish Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 6 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew and a woman in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Nowy Sacz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Very rare money order sent to a Jew from Köln by the Jewish Council of Litzmannstadt Ghetto in 1944 $160.00 0
Judaic - Vintage rare Judaica Passover seder small white Glass with David star find in Litzmannstadt ! $180.00 0
Judaica - Holocaust - Set of 8 relic condition ground dug Jewish Hannukah dreidels found in KL Gross Rosen area! $180.00 0
Judaic - Rare old Zionist Jewish emblem with Menorah of the Betar "Joseph Trumpeldor Hebrew Youth Alliance" $360.00 0
Anti-Semitic pocket book "Das Judentum und die Schatten des Antichrist" written by Priest Gaston Ritter 1933 $130.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew $380.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $930.00 0
Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Very old rationing card for food used in the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt $150.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP on Jews in USA - Infamous anti-Jewish propaganda! $340.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Period music stave of a Jewish Ghetto song composed by Otto Stransky and Kurt Robitschek $140.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Juif - Utra rare French version of the Jew star of David with provenance information! $1,450.00 0
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID $1,890.00 0
Judaica - Price discount 3x copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association $160.00 0
The nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “ do not buy from Jews! “ $150.00 0
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $680.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $100.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Voucher ( talon ) food from ghetto in Litzmannstad for poor of patients. $100.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk $130.00 0