Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $560.00 0
1941 letter + envelope regarding the information given by the DRK to a relative of a Polish POW $45.00 0
KL Dachau - Very rare document of employment of a Dachau concentration camp guard of the 1.SS - Totenkopfverbände "Oberbayern"!!! $95.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Awesome Wehrpass to a Totenkopfstandarte guard who served in 5 concentration camps including Auschwitz!!! $970.00 0
Letter of Criminal Police in Berlin to Berlin-Tegel prison to transfer the prisoner to KL Sachsenhausen $260.00 0
WW2 - Very nice letter sent to the prominent Nazi Leonardo Conti's office in Berlin! Euthanasia T4 Program! $680.00 0
Amazing SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler personally singed promotion document to a Schupo policeman!!! Also used his famous blue pencil! Very rare! 1 700,00 € 0