Interesting example of war period certificate and coupons to a Polish farmer who changed eggs for sugar 1942-44 $110.00 1
Booklet entitled "Jumbo in all circumstances. Lexicon for Everyday" Published by Junkers Company $80.00 1
"The Last Will and Testament of Adolf Hitler W.C. September 1939" Allied Propaganda Leaflet. Very funny $120.00 1
British Anti-German War Propaganda Leaflet "Hitler's Lambeth Walk. Parody. The Song of the Moment" $60.00 1
Official Document in Polish and German Sent to Pole in Petrikau "Convocation to Fire Brigade $50.00 1
Set of ID Cards Issued to Different Polish Citizens During III Reich and With Different Damage $70.00 1
2 Donation Certificates Issued by NSV Organisation in Xmas and to German Company for Metal Donation $60.00 1
German III Reich Period Poster Entitled "Vegetables and Fruit Are As Necessary For Human..." $100.00 1
German Book "Origin and Spread of the Germanic Peoples in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Times" 1934 $20.00 1
Certificate of Course Attendance to Polish Woman from Piaski in Business School in Lublin 1942 $100.00 1