Book "Soldiers' Faith, Soldiers' Honor. A German Breviary For Hitler's Soldiers" by M.Ziegler 1940 $30.00 1
German Book "Italy Annuary 1941" Published by the Italian-German Culture Institute in Koeln 1943 $120.00 1
Compilation of all the Numbers Issued in Germany of the Magazine "Olympia-Heft" During Olympics $120.00 1
Book With Transcription of Josef Stalin's Speech "About the Right Deviation in the CPSU (B)" 1932 $60.00 1
German Booklet by Leon Trotsky "How Will National Socialism be Defeated? Workers' United Front 1932 $40.00 1
3 Different Years Calendars of "The Poor Conrad" of Proletarian Movement Background - 1922,1929,1933 $40.00 1
3 Different Years Calendars of "The Poor Conrad" of Proletarian Movement Background - 1929,1930,1932 $40.00 1
Nr. 4 of "The Books Wait. Journal For Socialist Book Criticism With Supplement of Worker Educ" 1927 $30.00 1
German Booklet by Dr. Rolf Bathe "The Collapse. A Word Against the Lie of the Stab on the Back" $20.00 1
German Book by Friedrich Engels Entitled "Ludwig Feuerbach and the Exit of the Classical Philosophy" $60.00 1
Interesting book with pictures entitled "Heimkehrer" by Hans Richter about the Volksdeutsche that returned to Germany - 1942 $220.00 1
Nazi period book "Geld ersetzt nicht Blut" from "Das ist England" ( "Money does not replace blood" from "This is England" ) series by Dr. Falk Huttke $100.00 1