Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 50 - Year 1940 - "Weser/Elbe Paths to World Ocean" $80.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 51- Year 1940 - "The World War in German Colonies" $100.00 1
Rare Post WW2 Poster With Different Allied Occupation Areas and New Configuration of Europe $180.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 9 in 1938 $220.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 13 in 1938 $220.00 1
Nazi Anti-British Propaganda Poster of "Die Parole der Woche" - "A Document of British Civilisation" $220.00 1
1932 Propaganda Leaflet About a Speech Given Called "Ours is the Youth, Ours is the Future!" $230.00 1
WW2 Period Soviet Propaganda Foldable Poster of the USSR "Long Live Our Glorious Red Army!" $390.00 1
Notification Poster of Bohemia & Moravia About the Closing of Universities Due to Resistance Actions $260.00 1
Information Poster of the Cultural Activities of the DAF Programme "Kraft durch Freude" in Lodz 1942 $100.00 1
3 Reich - Poster-type German publication of the III Reich period with German military propaganda. $100.00 1
Lithuanian call/notification poster of German occupation authorities regarding the money collection $120.00 1
Excellent Electoral Propaganda Poster Against Hitler "What Does Working Class Need?" 1932 $1,600.00 1
Big German Poster for the Occupied Territories of Czech Republic "Appeal to the Population" $260.00 1