Book in German "The Military-Political Revolution of National Socialism" by Major Walter Jost $120.00 1
Nazi Commemorative Metope Metal Medallion of Adolf Hitler as Rebuilder of Germany 1933 - BIG $420.00 1
Rare Nazi Newspaper Called "Filter" - "Here to Hitler! Into the Front of the Freedom Fighters" $60.00 1
Pro Hitler Electoral Propaganda Leaflet With Gregor Strasser Radio Speech "The State Idea of the NS" $80.00 1
Propaganda Leaflet "Weekly Slogan of the NSDAP" - "Fuhrer, in Your Hands Lies the Fate of Millions" $70.00 0
Period book by Dr. Walther Scheunemann "Der Nationalsozialismus. Quellenkritische Studie............ $30.00 1
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with a cynical message about the world Jewry, USA and England. $180.00 1