Anti Semitic - German Communist Party KPD Political Propaganda Leaflet "To the German Working People!" $80.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 7 in 1938 $220.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 9 in 1938 $220.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 13 in 1938 $220.00 1
German Advertising Leaflet With Sypris of 2 Books "Hunger Sermon" and "The Whitewashed Tomb" $50.00 1
Book Written in Polish "Criminals of Humanity. The Great Betrayal of England to Europe" 1940 $80.00 1
German Anti-Communist Book "Terroristm and Communism. A Contribution to the History of Revolution" $100.00 1
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with a cynical message about the world Jewry, USA and England. $180.00 1