German Cinema Magazine Illustrierter Film Kurier Dedicated to Anti-Semitic Film "The Eternal Jew" $120.00 1
Nazi Newspaper "Der Filter" - NSDAP Fighting Tabloid Paderborn-Buren 1932 - Anti Semitic Article $100.00 1
German Nationalist and Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Anti Rome - Anti Juda - Anti Freemasonry" 1933 $140.00 1
Complete Letter With Envelope Sent in Vienna in 1908 With Anti-Semitic Stamps on the Envelope $120.00 1
Set of Unused Anti-Semitic National Socialist Vignettes Glued to a Sheet - German Elections $260.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Judenkenner" (The Jew Connoisseur) - Aryan News - Nr. 16 - 1936 $140.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Hereditary Equalities of Monovular Twins"German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Hereditary Equalities of Monovular Twins" $180.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Jewish Rule Over Germany 1918-1933 (Prussia)" $140.00 1
Jewish Terrorists Against Patriotic Youth in Newspaper Frankfurter Volksblatt Organ of NSDAP - 1934 $70.00 1
Ultra Rare Original Drawing and Photo Jew Leo Frank Hanged - The First Jew Lynched in USA in 1915 $2,600.00 1
Hand-made Collage With Some Glued Anti-Semitic Stickers & Information of Owner NSDAP Member 1930s $180.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Number of the Tabloid "Der Jungdeutsche" Organ of the Jungdo - 1929 - Nr- 200 $60.00 1
Anti Semitic - Envelope that contained a letter sent from USA to the former Gauleiter of Frankonia and also ultra anti-Semite director of "Der Stuermer" newspaper Julius Streicher 1935 $120.00 1
Czech Anti-Semitic Booklet "The Jewish Mirror. Jews According to the Talmud" by Karel Relink - 1925 $320.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Judenkenner" (The Jew Connoisseur) - Aryan News - Nr. 19 - 1936 $180.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Frankfurtian Observer" - "Chirstmas.Christian Fest or Jewish Business?" $110.00 1
Ultra Rare German Anti-Semitic Postcard Hand Signed by Adolf Hitler Himself! Early 1920s With COA! $4,900.00 1
German General Ludenforff's Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Vor'm Volksgericht" - Year 1933 - Nr. 4 $120.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Judenkenner" (The Jew Connoisseur) - Aryan News - Nr. 18 - 1936 $180.00 1
Litzmannstädter Zeitung - 10 x original period newspapers from the germanized city of Lodz from 1941 to 1944! $100.00 4