Antisemitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $1,000.00 0
Allach porcelain - Nice post-war replica of the Allach porcelain catalogue, perfect for Allach porcelain collectors! $100.00 0
Booklet of Dachau - photos of the camp, barracks, crematorium, camp life, and processes the Germans guards and the camp commander from December 13, 1945 $190.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP on Jews in USA - Infamous anti-Jewish propaganda! $320.00 0
Auschwitz - Set of 2 Arbeitsbücher to a married couple who worked for IG Farben in Auschwitz III Monowitz! $140.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Set of documents + rare KL Buchenwald book that belonged to Mierzwicka family from Poland! Book of the first Polish woman liberated from Buchenwald! $850.00 0
Antisemitic - Ultra rare Czech version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $850.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Rare book "Compilation of essays about the coal knowledge" from Auschwitz III Monowitz IG Farben Industrie! $150.00 0
Auschwitz - Rare book about the colouring of metals from Auschwitz III Monowitz IG Farben Industrie! $150.00 0
WW2 - Awesome an COMPLETE photo album book "Adolf Hitler: Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers"! 256 pictures! $160.00 0
WW2 - 3 Books from Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - books from Monowitz library!!! $290.00 0
WW2 - 2 Books from Auschwitz Buna Werke - IG Farbenindustrie - books from Monowitz library!!! $300.00 0
WW2 - Awesome and scarce book from the library of Reichsuniversiät Straßburg! Book on disinfection and plagues liquidation! $2,900.00 0