KL Buchenwald - Ultra rare ground dug metal token for identify the bags where belongings of inmates were kept in a storehouse KL Buchenwald , found in the area of the camp ! $200.00 0
Groß Rosen - Very interesting pieces of printing sheet to print Jewish books in Hebrew, ground dug in Groß Rosen area! $150.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Awesome researched set of documents to a Pole who was in Auschwitz and Neuengamme! $650.00 0
Gross Rosen - Very beautiful Hannukah dreidel ground dug in KL Gross Rosen , with nice detail $70.00 0
Gross Rosen - Set of 8 Hannukah dreidels to play during the Jewish fest of Hannukah ground dug in Gross Rosen area! $130.00 0
KL Auschwitz and KL Groß-Rosen - Inmate's letters sent from KL Auschwitz and after transferred from KL Groß-Rosen sub-camp Dyhernfurth - Brzeg Dolny - censorship stamp $520.00 0
Auschwitz - Nice letter sent in 1942 from Auschwitz by special condition prisoner, fully written and with stamp $160.00 0
KL inmate garments - Impressive worn condition inmate's cap used in a concentration camp! $1,600.00 0
Concentration camps - Great postcard size portrait of a Polish former inmate of an unknown concentration camp $100.00 0