Waffen SS - Totenkopf division - Impressive big set of documents to an SS-Unterscharführer of a motorised transport batallion! Solbuch included! $1,700.00 0
Waffen SS - Touching set of portrait photo of a KIA SS soldier and a death commemorative newspaper clipping $65.00 0
Waffen SS - Totenkopf division - Album removed photo of an ss Totenkopf division soldier during his wedding $70.00 0
WW 2 - Luftwaffe - Old private taken photo of some high-ranked officers of Luftwaffe - postcard size $30.00 0
Holocaust - Set of 3 private taken photos of the rare transit camp of Rivesaltes, in France! $280.00 0
WW 2 - Complete pocket photo album from Ostpreussen , Russia , Czech of a RAD member dated 1941 $120.00 0
WW 2 - Letter sent by SS prevision office from Jena to the mother of a fallen soldier of the SS + photo $100.00 0
KL Esterwegen - Very graphic and gruesome picture from very early concentration camp in Esterwegen around 1935-1936 - subcamp KL Buchenwald $260.00 0
WW 2 - Historically important set of the former KL Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp prisoner René Lambrechts! $620.00 0
Holocaust - Ghetto - Jude - Impressive period photo of the entrance to a big Jewish ghetto in Warsaw ! $160.00 0