Waffen SS - Totenkopf division - Impressive big set of documents to an SS-Unterscharführer of a motorised transport batallion! Solbuch included! $1,700.00 0
WW 2 -Simple Wehrpass to a German reservist of the Wehrmacht from Halle with no action registered $65.00 0
WW 2 - Big set of documents of a Pole from Bromberg who was movilised during war time for the rare Wehrmannschaft! $220.00 0
WW 2 - Amazing set to the U-657 U-Boot kapitän Heinrich Göllnitz!! Died in 1943 in Cape Farewell! $1,950.00 0
WW 2 - Set of Wehrpass to a young medicine student in the Wehrmacht, a broken medal of the East and some paperwork complete $140.00 0
Polizei Service ID pass issued to a policeman who served in Linz, Adolf Hitler's birthplace! $150.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen - Waffen SS guard - Nice example of a Wehrpass issued to a temporary KL Sachsenhausen SS guard $620.00 0
Luftwaffe - Set of 3 booklets to the same Luftwaffe soldier! Wehrpass, Soldbuch, Driving license and medal KVK $260.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Awesome Wehrpass to a Totenkopfstandarte guard who served in 5 concentration camps including Auschwitz!!! $970.00 0
Nice set to a Deutsche Rotes Kreuz Vorhelfer in the Wehrmacht!! Soldbuch + DRK ID pass to same man! $160.00 0