Request by German authorities police to be at the appointed hour and place to undergo some medical examination in Kattowitz $40.00 0
Awesome and unique photo album of a member of the Waffen SS Division Wiking with photos with Himmler and other high ranked SS officers and Dutch fascist leader Anton Mussert! $2,200.00 0
WWII - Wonderful album of a Wehrmacht soldier with multiple photos during the war few from Poland ! $180.00 0
Adolf Hitler - Awesome set of 2 inedit and pre 45 period photos of Adolf Hitler visiting a building surrounded by SS officers and Wehrmacht soldiers!!! $195.00 0
Adolf Hitler - Awesome set of 3 private taken and never published pre 45 period photos of Adolf Hitler during a visit to the front $180.00 0
Interesting bilingual document issued in Generalgouvernement to swear you didn't have Jewish ancestors! $120.00 0
WW2 - ID pass issued to a Pole who was used as forced labor employed in an aircraft factory of the Luftwaffe $110.00 0