KL Buchenwald - Kantine money token of 0,50 RM to use in a sub-camp of concentration camp of Buchenwald $180.00 0
Forced Labor - AEG factory metal plate ID ground dug in a former forced labor camp + Very nice laminated working pass to a Pole who worked for AEG $160.00 0
Antisemitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $1,000.00 0
Concentration camp - Enamelled metal board ground dug in the area of an unknown concentration camp that forbids touching the electric device $280.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Ultra rare ground dug metal token for identify the bags where belongings of inmates were kept in a storehouse KL Buchenwald , found in the area of the camp ! $200.00 0