Book in German "The Military-Political Revolution of National Socialism" by Major Walter Jost $120.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 50 - Year 1940 - "Weser/Elbe Paths to World Ocean" $80.00 1
Book "Soldiers' Faith, Soldiers' Honor. A German Breviary For Hitler's Soldiers" by M.Ziegler 1940 $30.00 1
Set of 10 Numbers of the Nazi Germany Newspaper "NSZ Rhein Front" Organ NSDAP Gau Saarpfalz $100.00 1
4 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Years 1930, 1931 & 1937 $50.00 1
2 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Sports and Athletics Magazine "Reichssportblatt" 37 and 43 of 1934 $40.00 1
4 Numbers of the Nazi Illustrated Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Years 1931-32 & 1940-41 $40.00 1
German Book "Italy Annuary 1941" Published by the Italian-German Culture Institute in Koeln 1943 $120.00 1
Special Supplement of the Nazi Newspaper "Völkischer Beobachter" - "Braunschweig in Reconstruction" $80.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 51- Year 1940 - "The World War in German Colonies" $100.00 1
Nazi Patriotic Postcard With the Iron Cross 2nd Class "Only One Can Win And That Is Us" 1942 $50.00 1
Postcard Size Photo Taken Privately During a Visit of Adolf Hitler on his Famous Mercedes G4 $100.00 0