Holocaust - Super rare Polish war period Anti-Semitic and anti-Russian propaganda magazine - 1943/44 - " Who help to us " $280.00 1
Pocketbook edition of anti-Semitic "Die schlimmen Juden ( The bad Jews ) !" by Carl Albert Loosi - 1927 $160.00 1
Book "Das Konzentrationslager", a study of the first English concentration camps in South Africa written by Fritz Spiesser - 1940 $180.00 1
3Reich - BMW - Set of 2 nice numbers of the official BMW magazine: numbers 11, 20 . 1931-1934 $280.00 1
3Reich - BMW - Set of 2 nice numbers of the official BMW magazine: numbers 21, 23 1934-1935 $200.00 1
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP against the Jews in United States - Infamous anti-jewish propaganda! $320.00 1
Very rare German book from 1943 about the massacre of Katyn published as show how Russians executed thousands of Polish officers ! $380.00 1
WW2 Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Rare anti-Semitic book "Der Jude zwischen den Fronten" 1943 $140.00 1
3 x Ahnenpass - 3 different type of origin family books - To enter the family members. Was designed to exclude "foreign" elements in the family blood - NSDAP $120.00 1
WW II - Ultra rare book "Polish atrocities against ethnic Germans" of anti-Polish propaganda 1940 $280.00 1