German Propaganda Leaflet Against England "The Day When Perfidious Albion Perishes, will be a day. BIG $220.00 1
Rare Nazi Newspaper Called "Filter" no 2 ! RRR - "New Emergency Regulation Comes After April 24th" 1932 $180.00 1
German Magazine Called "Das Bunte Blatt - The Varied Gazette" - Nr. 43 - 1939 Anti Semitic Article $50.00 1
3 Reich - Postcards Series I and II With Folder of the "German Women's Works - Mother Service" - Complete! $50.00 1
Patriotic Booklet to Support Hitle for the Elections of 10. April Entitled "Fuhrer, We Thank You!" $80.00 1
Advertisement Leaflet of the Book of Illustrierter Beobachter "Adolf Hitler. A Man and His People" $60.00 1
Number of the Official Organ of the DAF "Arbeiter tum" - Special Number of 1- May 1936 - Nr.3 $70.00 1
Special Number of the Official Magazine of the Luftwaffe "Der Adler" Dedicated to Legion Condor 1939 $35.00 1
Number 19 - Year 1938 of the Organ of the DAF "Arbeitertum" - "The Fuhrer Visits the KdF Opera" $40.00 1
Nazi Commemorative Metope Metal Medallion of Adolf Hitler as Rebuilder of Germany 1933 - BIG $420.00 1
Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Number 8 - Year 1933 "Reichskanzler in His Working Room" $40.00 1
Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Number 11- Year 1933 "N. Socialism Gets Work and Bread!" $30.00 1
Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Number 12 - Year 1933 "Hitler Salutes Hindenburg" $40.00 1
Circulated Postcard With Photo Of Adolf Hitler Witnessing The Parade In Nuremberg Reichsparteitag $80.00 0
Interesting book with pictures entitled "Heimkehrer" by Hans Richter about the Volksdeutsche that returned to Germany - 1942 $220.00 1
Anti British propaganda - Uncle Krüger propaganda films pamphlet produced in Nazi Germany attacking the British. $100.00 1
KL Ravensbruck - Women concentration camp KL Ravensbrück camp money Pramienschein token of 1 RM. Very rare! $940.00 1
Nazi Ideology Newspaper "Die Freikorps" - Nr. 2 - 1933 - "Who Pays The Hitler's House?" Very Rare. Check story ! $420.00 1
1932 Propaganda Leaflet About a Speech Given Called "Ours is the Youth, Ours is the Future!" $230.00 1
French Booklet "Photographic Collection of the Missing From the Bas-Rhin Victims of Germans..."Many photos $320.00 1