Rare Anti-Semitic Book "High Treason of the Field Lodges in the World War" Friedrich Hasselbacher $280.00 1
Anti-Semitic Special Leaflet Printed by Nazi Newspaper "National Newspaper" -"The Eastern Jews" $80.00 1
Anti-Semitic Book "The Jews in Germany" by Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question 1935 $220.00 1
Political Postcard of the Weimar Republic of "Federation of Farmers, Conservatives and Anti-Semites" $70.00 1
Book Written in Polish "Criminals of Humanity. The Great Betrayal of England to Europe" 1940 $80.00 1
Special Number for Memel Territory Elections of German Newspaper "Der Volksdeutsche" - 1933 $120.00 1
German Anti-Communist Book "Terroristm and Communism. A Contribution to the History of Revolution" $100.00 1
Special Number of the Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Antikomintern on the Cover $100.00 1
2 Post War Polish Commemorative Copy of Drawings Nazi Concentration Camp Political Prisoners $120.00 1
2 Post War Polish Commemorative Copy of Drawings Nazi Concentration Camp Political Prisoners $120.00 1
8 Different Big Size Photos of the US Navy During WW2 1944 Florida with Russian Soviet Navy Officer $180.00 1
36th SS-Standarte Danzig, posing for an official photo - "Gdansk remains German, in July-August 1933 $180.00 1
French Book Tome I of the Collection "The French Army in The War. From Chad to the Rhin" Post War $40.00 1
Anti Semitic - "Ilustrierter Film-Kurier" magazine issue about the anti-Semitic propaganda film "Die Rotschilds" $280.00 1
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Propaganda films pamphlet produced in Nazi Germany attacking the Jewish in iconic movie JUD SUß 1940 ! $130.00 1
Jewish - Rare birth certificate of the city of Tarnowitz in Nazi ocuppied Poland of a Jewish citizen issued in 1940 $260.00 1
Rare Huge Notification Poster for Local Population of Terboven ( Norway )During Nazi Occupation 1941 $680.00 1