German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "German Cultural Values As a Reflection of Racial.." $140.00 1
2 Numbers of the NSDAP Organ "Volkischer Beobachter" 1941 and 1943 - Viennese and Berlin Editions $100.00 1
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 $80.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Mixture Between Germans and Jews in Berlin" $130.00 1
Certificate issued by a Polish machine manufacturer from Lublin to a man that was hired as sales representative - 1940 $60.00 1
Forced laborer - Good example of an Arbeitskarte issued to a Polish woman during Nazi occupation of Poland - 1943 $60.00 1
Forced laborer - Ausweis to a Polish forced laborer of the Energieversorguns Westpreusen AG company Wirsitz - 1944 $65.00 1
Interesting bilingual certificate issued to a Pole from Zamosc as an employee of the "SPOLEM" consumer cooperative in Generalgouvernement - 1941 $80.00 0
Ausweis issued to a Polish forced laborer man from Bromberg that worked as locksmith for Energieversorgung Wespreusen A.G. $55.00 1
Good example of an Ausweis issued to a Polish forced laborer that worked for the German company Theodor Bergmann & Co. - 1943 $120.00 1
Electoral Propaganda Booklet "The Farmer In The Reich of Adolf Hitler" With Anti-Semitic Message $220.00 1
Item Details Description French Unused Label From Red Cross to Send Parcels to Prisoners in KL Oranienburg $70.00 1
2 Empty Envelopes of Letters Sent By Polish Communist Woman From Spanish Concentration Camp 1942 $220.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Poster With Quotation of Adolf Hitler About the Elimination of the Jews $180.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Equality of Jews in the 18th and 19th Centuries" $140.00 1