Great set of 14 postcards of different German airplanes printed in the 40s Great set of 14 postcards of different German airplanes printed in the 40s $180.00 Read more about Great set of 14 postcards of different German airplanes printed in the 40s
Nice grouping of 8 photos of different soliders and Polizei members and maybe Goralenvolk during III Reich period Nice grouping of 8 photos of different soliders and Polizei members and maybe Goralenvolk during III Reich period $120.00 Read more about Nice grouping of 8 photos of different soliders and Polizei members and maybe Goralenvolk during III Reich period
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with a quotation of a speech of Adolf Hitler 30. Sept. 1942 attacking the middle-class WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with a quotation of a speech of Adolf Hitler 30. Sept. 1942 attacking the middle-class $120.00 Read more about WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with a quotation of a speech of Adolf Hitler 30. Sept. 1942 attacking the middle-class
Old postcard of Oranienburg city sent during WW2 by SS soldier Old postcard of Oranienburg city sent during WW2 by SS soldier $120.00 Read more about Old postcard of Oranienburg city sent during WW2 by SS soldier
Propaganda book "Kampf um Norwegen" about the invasion of Norway Propaganda book "Kampf um Norwegen" about the invasion of Norway $120.00 Read more about Propaganda book "Kampf um Norwegen" about the invasion of Norway
Set of 3 documents related to the Volksdeutsche Office in Litzmannstadt to the same woman. One with letterhead of Reichsführer SS! Set of 3 documents related to the Volksdeutsche Office in Litzmannstadt to the same woman. One with letterhead of Reichsführer SS! $240.00 Read more about Set of 3 documents related to the Volksdeutsche Office in Litzmannstadt to the same woman. One with letterhead of Reichsführer SS!
Wehrmacht - Very rare set of a Polish solider from the Wehrmacht! Wehrmacht - Very rare set of a Polish solider from the Wehrmacht! $110.00 Read more about Wehrmacht - Very rare set of a Polish solider from the Wehrmacht!
Luftwaffe - Very rare documents and photos' set from solider of the Luftwaffe! Luftwaffe - Very rare documents and photos' set from solider of the Luftwaffe! $150.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - Very rare documents and photos' set from solider of the Luftwaffe!
3 Reich - HJ - Set of booklet and card of Hitlerjugend boy from Warsaw! 3 Reich - HJ - Set of booklet and card of Hitlerjugend boy from Warsaw! $60.00 Read more about 3 Reich - HJ - Set of booklet and card of Hitlerjugend boy from Warsaw!
Nazi period book "Führertum" about the leaders that ruled the world in different periods of humankind Nazi period book "Führertum" about the leaders that ruled the world in different periods of humankind $140.00 Read more about Nazi period book "Führertum" about the leaders that ruled the world in different periods of humankind
WW 2 - Number 2 of June 1943 of the official Wehrmacht SIGNAL magazine in its French edition with Russian Katyn massacre report WW 2 - Number 2 of June 1943 of the official Wehrmacht SIGNAL magazine in its French edition with Russian Katyn massacre report $100.00 Read more about WW 2 - Number 2 of June 1943 of the official Wehrmacht SIGNAL magazine in its French edition with Russian Katyn massacre report
WW 2 - Nice set of 9 different postcard size WH and LW soldiers' studio portraits WW 2 - Nice set of 9 different postcard size WH and LW soldiers' studio portraits $75.00 Read more about WW 2 - Nice set of 9 different postcard size WH and LW soldiers' studio portraits
WW 2 - Super big set of documents, all to a Luftwaff Ausbildungs Regiment!! WW 2 - Super big set of documents, all to a Luftwaff Ausbildungs Regiment!! $650.00 Read more about WW 2 - Super big set of documents, all to a Luftwaff Ausbildungs Regiment!!
NSDAP - Cool blank unis sued diploma from some NSDAP connected Nazi association NSDAP - Cool blank unis sued diploma from some NSDAP connected Nazi association $60.00 Read more about NSDAP - Cool blank unis sued diploma from some NSDAP connected Nazi association
Very interesting photo of early SS men forming during a parade or instruction Very interesting photo of early SS men forming during a parade or instruction $35.00 Read more about Very interesting photo of early SS men forming during a parade or instruction
WW 2 - Nice Iron Cross 1st class award notification to an Unteroffizier of the Wehrmacht in 1941 WW 2 - Nice Iron Cross 1st class award notification to an Unteroffizier of the Wehrmacht in 1941 $65.00 Read more about WW 2 - Nice Iron Cross 1st class award notification to an Unteroffizier of the Wehrmacht in 1941
WW 2 - Rare set of 8 photos of Polish soldiers of the Anders' Army during the Africa campaign in Jerusalem WW 2 - Rare set of 8 photos of Polish soldiers of the Anders' Army during the Africa campaign in Jerusalem $80.00 Read more about WW 2 - Rare set of 8 photos of Polish soldiers of the Anders' Army during the Africa campaign in Jerusalem
WW 2 - Wehrmacht train ticket issued to travel to Paris in 1941 WW 2 - Wehrmacht train ticket issued to travel to Paris in 1941 $25.00 Read more about WW 2 - Wehrmacht train ticket issued to travel to Paris in 1941
WW 2 - Set of 9 postcard size photos of different types of German troops WW 2 - Set of 9 postcard size photos of different types of German troops $85.00 Read more about WW 2 - Set of 9 postcard size photos of different types of German troops
WW 2 - Postcard send to SS-Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen - special camp March 1945 ! WW 2 - Postcard send to SS-Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen - special camp March 1945 ! $100.00 Read more about WW 2 - Postcard send to SS-Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen - special camp March 1945 !
WW 2 - 4 photos of Hitlerjugend members WW 2 - 4 photos of Hitlerjugend members $60.00 Read more about WW 2 - 4 photos of Hitlerjugend members
Nice Wehrmacht steel buckle with leather tongue Nice Wehrmacht steel buckle with leather tongue $110.00 Read more about Nice Wehrmacht steel buckle with leather tongue
WW II - Invitation for Engagement nurses and SS Rottenführer 1943 WW II - Invitation for Engagement nurses and SS Rottenführer 1943 $60.00 Read more about WW II - Invitation for Engagement nurses and SS Rottenführer 1943
WW II - Waffen SS - Authorization to enter, extension of the residence permit for Waffen SS soldier wife and doughter Krakau 1943 ! WW II - Waffen SS - Authorization to enter, extension of the residence permit for Waffen SS soldier wife and doughter Krakau 1943 ! $160.00 Read more about WW II - Waffen SS - Authorization to enter, extension of the residence permit for Waffen SS soldier wife and doughter Krakau 1943 !
Luftwaffe - One number of the Luftwissen magazine on LW technology. Rare! Luftwaffe - One number of the Luftwissen magazine on LW technology. Rare! $100.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - One number of the Luftwissen magazine on LW technology. Rare!
WW2 - Gymanstics prize diplom to a German boy 1941 WW2 - Gymanstics prize diplom to a German boy 1941 $50.00 Read more about WW2 - Gymanstics prize diplom to a German boy 1941
British propaganda - 3 x pieces of British made propaganda in German areas to demoralize soldiers and citizens! British propaganda - 3 x pieces of British made propaganda in German areas to demoralize soldiers and citizens! $140.00 Read more about British propaganda - 3 x pieces of British made propaganda in German areas to demoralize soldiers and citizens!
Organisation Todt - Original period glass photo negative of a member of Organisation Todt Organisation Todt - Original period glass photo negative of a member of Organisation Todt $80.00 Read more about Organisation Todt - Original period glass photo negative of a member of Organisation Todt
Front propaganda leaflet and safe-conduct thrown by Red Army into Axis zone! Front propaganda leaflet and safe-conduct thrown by Red Army into Axis zone! $100.00 Read more about Front propaganda leaflet and safe-conduct thrown by Red Army into Axis zone!
Banned and withdrawn from the sale! Polish version of Mein Kampf: Moja droga - 1992 edition ! Banned and withdrawn from the sale! Polish version of Mein Kampf: Moja droga - 1992 edition ! $130.00 Read more about Banned and withdrawn from the sale! Polish version of Mein Kampf: Moja droga - 1992 edition !