Luftwaffe - biography of one of the biggest aces of German Luftwaffe and one of the most decorated war pilots of all times, Werner Mölders 1942 Luftwaffe - biography of one of the biggest aces of German Luftwaffe and one of the most decorated war pilots of all times, Werner Mölders 1942 $120.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - biography of one of the biggest aces of German Luftwaffe and one of the most decorated war pilots of all times, Werner Mölders 1942
Cigarette album "Die Eroberung der Luft. Folge: Ausland" dedicated to foreign military aircrafts. Cigarette album "Die Eroberung der Luft. Folge: Ausland" dedicated to foreign military aircrafts. $85.00 Read more about Cigarette album "Die Eroberung der Luft. Folge: Ausland" dedicated to foreign military aircrafts.
Pair of soldier booklets: Wehrmacht Wehrpaß and Luftschutz-Dienstbuch to the same man Pair of soldier booklets: Wehrmacht Wehrpaß and Luftschutz-Dienstbuch to the same man $180.00 Read more about Pair of soldier booklets: Wehrmacht Wehrpaß and Luftschutz-Dienstbuch to the same man
Luftwaffe - Photo album of a Luftwaffe Gefreiter with many photos in Poland, Russia and also forcerd labor photos! Luftwaffe - Photo album of a Luftwaffe Gefreiter with many photos in Poland, Russia and also forcerd labor photos! $320.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - Photo album of a Luftwaffe Gefreiter with many photos in Poland, Russia and also forcerd labor photos!
Big set to a Luftwaffe member including photos, booklets and documents of him and his family Big set to a Luftwaffe member including photos, booklets and documents of him and his family $280.00 Read more about Big set to a Luftwaffe member including photos, booklets and documents of him and his family
Private taken picture of Hermann Göring with his daughter Edda Göring in his villa in Berchtesgaden removed from his personal photo album! Private taken picture of Hermann Göring with his daughter Edda Göring in his villa in Berchtesgaden removed from his personal photo album! $90.00 Read more about Private taken picture of Hermann Göring with his daughter Edda Göring in his villa in Berchtesgaden removed from his personal photo album!
Very rare invitation card to the Legion Condor volunteers' parade in Berlin when they went back from Spanish Civil War to III Reich Germany Very rare invitation card to the Legion Condor volunteers' parade in Berlin when they went back from Spanish Civil War to III Reich Germany $100.00 Read more about Very rare invitation card to the Legion Condor volunteers' parade in Berlin when they went back from Spanish Civil War to III Reich Germany
Great set of 14 postcards of different German airplanes printed in the 40s Great set of 14 postcards of different German airplanes printed in the 40s $180.00 Read more about Great set of 14 postcards of different German airplanes printed in the 40s
Luftwaffe - Very rare documents and photos' set from solider of the Luftwaffe! Luftwaffe - Very rare documents and photos' set from solider of the Luftwaffe! $150.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - Very rare documents and photos' set from solider of the Luftwaffe!
Luftwaffe - Set of 7 big format period and inedit photos of Luftwaffe seaplanes flying in formation and landing Luftwaffe - Set of 7 big format period and inedit photos of Luftwaffe seaplanes flying in formation and landing $160.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - Set of 7 big format period and inedit photos of Luftwaffe seaplanes flying in formation and landing
Rare ID card to enter a bunker or shelter issued to a German woman 1944-1945 Rare ID card to enter a bunker or shelter issued to a German woman 1944-1945 $110.00 Read more about Rare ID card to enter a bunker or shelter issued to a German woman 1944-1945
WW 2 - Luftwaffe - Old private taken photo of some high-ranked officers of Luftwaffe - postcard size WW 2 - Luftwaffe - Old private taken photo of some high-ranked officers of Luftwaffe - postcard size $30.00 Read more about WW 2 - Luftwaffe - Old private taken photo of some high-ranked officers of Luftwaffe - postcard size
WW 2 - Kind of Ausweis or ID card with photo of a Luftwaffe Oberfeldwebel WW 2 - Kind of Ausweis or ID card with photo of a Luftwaffe Oberfeldwebel $50.00 Read more about WW 2 - Kind of Ausweis or ID card with photo of a Luftwaffe Oberfeldwebel
Beautiful set of 5 photos of a Luftwaffe Leutnant with his German shepherd Beautiful set of 5 photos of a Luftwaffe Leutnant with his German shepherd $65.00 Read more about Beautiful set of 5 photos of a Luftwaffe Leutnant with his German shepherd
WW 2 - Empty Luftwaffe ammunition box for transport of 3,7 cm cartridges WW 2 - Empty Luftwaffe ammunition box for transport of 3,7 cm cartridges $180.00 Read more about WW 2 - Empty Luftwaffe ammunition box for transport of 3,7 cm cartridges
WW 2 - Set of Luwtwaffe Feldwebel's Soldbuch and breast eagle WW 2 - Set of Luwtwaffe Feldwebel's Soldbuch and breast eagle $180.00 Read more about WW 2 - Set of Luwtwaffe Feldwebel's Soldbuch and breast eagle
Gorgeous Spanish cross in bronze with swords of a Legion Condor pilot!!! Maker: Paul Meybauer, Berlin Gorgeous Spanish cross in bronze with swords of a Legion Condor pilot!!! Maker: Paul Meybauer, Berlin $850.00 Read more about Gorgeous Spanish cross in bronze with swords of a Legion Condor pilot!!! Maker: Paul Meybauer, Berlin
WW 2 - Very rare ID from aircraft factory - Eger Flugzeugwerke GmbH for French forced laborer WW 2 - Very rare ID from aircraft factory - Eger Flugzeugwerke GmbH for French forced laborer $180.00 Read more about WW 2 - Very rare ID from aircraft factory - Eger Flugzeugwerke GmbH for French forced laborer
WW 2 - Photo postcard - The Luftwaffe officer Werner Moelders - claim 100 aerial victories ! WW 2 - Photo postcard - The Luftwaffe officer Werner Moelders - claim 100 aerial victories ! $100.00 Read more about WW 2 - Photo postcard - The Luftwaffe officer Werner Moelders - claim 100 aerial victories !
Legion Condor Spanish Cruz de Guerra badge made from solid silver Legion Condor Spanish Cruz de Guerra badge made from solid silver $275.00 Read more about Legion Condor Spanish Cruz de Guerra badge made from solid silver
Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!! Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!! $60.00 Read more about Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!!
Luftwaffe - Set of 3 booklets to the same Luftwaffe soldier! Wehrpass, Soldbuch, Driving license and medal KVK Luftwaffe - Set of 3 booklets to the same Luftwaffe soldier! Wehrpass, Soldbuch, Driving license and medal KVK $260.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - Set of 3 booklets to the same Luftwaffe soldier! Wehrpass, Soldbuch, Driving license and medal KVK
Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!! Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!! $50.00 Read more about Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!!
Luftwaffe- Gruesome set of a cased prosthetic christal eye + photo of the soldier! Luftwaffe- Gruesome set of a cased prosthetic christal eye + photo of the soldier! $190.00 Read more about Luftwaffe- Gruesome set of a cased prosthetic christal eye + photo of the soldier!
KL Auschwitz - Ground dug half ID tag that belonged to a solider of the Auschwitz anti air raid Flak 88 KL Auschwitz - Ground dug half ID tag that belonged to a solider of the Auschwitz anti air raid Flak 88 $180.00 Read more about KL Auschwitz - Ground dug half ID tag that belonged to a solider of the Auschwitz anti air raid Flak 88
Luftwaffe - One number of the Luftwissen magazine on LW technology. Rare! Luftwaffe - One number of the Luftwissen magazine on LW technology. Rare! $100.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - One number of the Luftwissen magazine on LW technology. Rare!
Rare and very interesting customised ashtray made from aircraft motor piston- Siemens. Rare and very interesting customised ashtray made from aircraft motor piston- Siemens. $340.00 Read more about Rare and very interesting customised ashtray made from aircraft motor piston- Siemens.
WW2 - Beautiful KRETA cuff title that belonged to a German Fallschirmjäger! WW2 - Beautiful KRETA cuff title that belonged to a German Fallschirmjäger! $250.00 Read more about WW2 - Beautiful KRETA cuff title that belonged to a German Fallschirmjäger!
WW2 - Inedit private photo of Hugo Sperrle, Generalfeldmarschall of the Luftwaffe WW2 - Inedit private photo of Hugo Sperrle, Generalfeldmarschall of the Luftwaffe $18.00 Read more about WW2 - Inedit private photo of Hugo Sperrle, Generalfeldmarschall of the Luftwaffe
Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!! Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!! $50.00 Read more about Daimler Benz - Motoren G.m.b.h groun dug brand tool token, probably from aircraft engines factory in Genshagen near Berlin!!