German Book "The Concentration Camp" by Fritz Spiesser
Price: | $70.00 |
German Book "The Concentration Camp" by Fritz Spiesser. A study of the first concentration camps established by the British Empire in South Africa. Spiesser wrote works about the country of his childhood, Africa, in the tradition of the colonial writers Hans Grimm , Adolf Kaempffer , Gustav Frenssen , Adda von Liliencron and others. He became known above all through his 1940 novel “The Concentration Camp”, which was published by Franz-Eher-Verlag , the official publishing house of the NSDAP and went through several editions. The novel is set in South Africa during the Boer War and is about English imperialism and the first concentration camps set up to oppress the civilian population by internment of women and children. The publisher's description of the novel stated: “122,000 children, women and old people, almost half the Boer population, languished in such camps. Of these, more than 26,000 died a miserable death. The shocking tragedy of such human deaths serves Spiesser as a reproach (sic) for his story." Although there was no official impetus for this novel, it was nevertheless received very positively by Nazi propaganda , as it was able to effectively contribute to the refutation of Western and especially English criticism of the German concentration camps. The film adaptation of this counter-propaganda in the film " Ohm Krüger " (premiere April 4, 1941) certainly contributed to the increase in popularity of Spiesser's novel.The novel “The Second Generation” can be considered Spiesser’s main work. It tells the story of a young German from the German protectorate of German South West Africa who, as a farm student in English-dominated South Africa , is discriminated against because of his commitment to his Germanness.Strangely enough, Spiesser was not admitted to the Reich Chamber of Literature despite repeated applications , even though he had been a member of the NSDAP since 1941. He therefore needed individual permission to publish each of his works.Spiesser's works were placed on the list of literature to be excluded in the Soviet occupation zone . Soft cover. 1940.