Very Rare Set That Belonged to a French Political Prisoner in KL Buchenwald - Jacket and Photo $5,200.00 1
KL Neuengamme - Parcel label to a Polish inmate in Neuengamme concentration camp sent from Radom $160.00 1
KL Dachau - Ultra rare and super scarce postcard type inmate letter sent from KL Dachau in 1936! German politician (SPD) $660.00 1
Kl Mauthausen - Gusen - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KL Gusen to his wife in Samter ( Szamotuly ) - 1944. $130.00 1
Book Recovered From the Former Scientific Library of IG Farben Buna Werke - Auschwitz III Monowitz $160.00 1
2 rare format letters sent by Polish prisoner from KL Sachsenhausen and KL Gross-Rosen to his wife - 1940/1941 $190.00 1
KL Dachau - subcamp KL Bad Tolz - Prisoner letter sent from concentration camp to family 1943 $180.00 1
KL Dachau - KL Bad Tolz - Rare letter with envelope sent by Polish inmate from KL Dachau Haftlingskommando Bad Tolz to his wife - 1943 $180.00 1
Letter Sent by the Mother of Deceased Boy in KL Auschwitz Asking for Death Certificate to Camp 1943 $280.00 0
Extremely Rare to Find German Concentration Camp Female Striped Coat of French Political Prisoner $12,200.00 0
Very Rare Death Certificate Issued to a Prisoner in KL Auschwitz in 1940 - Signed by Camp Doctor! $360.00 1
Notification From KL Gross-Rosen to SiPo Office in Litzmannstadt Regarding Arrival of Prisoner 1944 $320.00 1
KL Sachsenhausen - Superb set of a KL Sachsenhausen temporary guard who worked for Deutsche Reichsbahn watching prisoners since Nov 1944 $800.00 0
Rare Notification Letter Sent by Kommandantur in KL Natzweiler to KriPo Office in Nuremberg 1944 $420.00 1
Notification document sent by KL Natzweiler-Strutthof Kommandantur to Kripo central office in Nuremberg $560.00 1
Very rare letter sent by Kommandantur in KL Lichtenburg and sigened by Lagerkommandant SS-Standartenführer Hans Helwig - 1937 $1,300.00 1
KL Stutthof - Very rare death certificate issued regrading a KL Stutthof prisoner that died in 1943 in that concentration camp! $480.00 1
KL Majdanek - Lublin - KL der Waffen SS Lublin postcard from camp confirmation of receipt of the package $140.00 1
KL Mauthausen - Gusen - Parcel label to a Polish inmate in St. Georgen / Gusen concentration camp sent from Radom $160.00 1
Kl Ravensbruck - Parcel label to a Polish female inmate in Ravensbrück concentration camp sent from Radom $180.00 1
Kl Sachsenhausen - Parcel label to a Polish inmate in Oranienburg concentration camp sent from Radom $160.00 1
KL Ravensbrück - Letter sent to Austria - maybe Czech female inmate from KL Ravensbrück womens' camp - 1944 $160.00 1
KL Natzwailer - Strutthof - Confirmation of parcel delivery sent from Luxemburg to prisoner of KL Natzweiler 1943 $120.00 1
KL Dachau - Prisoner letter sent from subcamp of Dachau SS-Arbeitslager Baumenheim concentration camp to family 1944 RRR $190.00 1
Notification Sent by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to KriPo Office in Nuremberg About Prisoner 1941 $430.00 1