Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto ! 1941 Price:$180.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto !Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsExecutionsStock: 0
WW2 - Very nice private postcard size photo of Allgemeine SS! WW2 - Very nice private postcard size photo of Allgemeine SS! $30.00
Concentration camp inmate bowl like those used in KL Lublin-Majdanek Concentration camp inmate bowl like those used in KL Lublin-Majdanek $330.00
WW2 - Genuine spoon used by an inmate of KL Buchenwald!!! Engraved! WW2 - Genuine spoon used by an inmate of KL Buchenwald!!! Engraved! $150.00
WW2 - NSDAP nazi party membership pin! Rare buttonhole variation! WW2 - NSDAP nazi party membership pin! Rare buttonhole variation! $80.00