Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto ! 1941 Price:$180.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto !Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsExecutionsStock: 0
Super rare collection of KL Ravensbrück womens' teeth x-ray films to look for gold!!! Super rare collection of KL Ravensbrück womens' teeth x-ray films to look for gold!!! $400.00
Genuine big wooden board from transit camp in Paris: Drancy!!! Genuine big wooden board from transit camp in Paris: Drancy!!! $230.00
WW2 - Very rare 5 Reichsmarks token or cantine money from KL Dora Mittelbau used by SS guards! WW2 - Very rare 5 Reichsmarks token or cantine money from KL Dora Mittelbau used by SS guards! $800.00
WW2 - Rare 1 Reichsmark token or cantine money from KL Dora Mittelbau used by SS guards! WW2 - Rare 1 Reichsmark token or cantine money from KL Dora Mittelbau used by SS guards! $180.00