Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto ! 1941 Price:$180.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Three bills issued on Ghetto !Specifics: Documents & paperworkGhetto itemsHolocaustJewish itemsExecutionsStock: 0
WW2 - Awesome and scarce book from the library of Reichsuniversiät Straßburg! Book on disinfection and plagues liquidation! WW2 - Awesome and scarce book from the library of Reichsuniversiät Straßburg! Book on disinfection and plagues liquidation! $2,900.00
WW2 - Very nice letter sent to the prominent Nazi Leonardo Conti's office in Berlin! Euthanasia T4 Program! WW2 - Very nice letter sent to the prominent Nazi Leonardo Conti's office in Berlin! Euthanasia T4 Program! $680.00
WW2 - Impressive and shocking photo of Mossolini and Clara Petacci's corpses hanging upside down in Milano! WW2 - Impressive and shocking photo of Mossolini and Clara Petacci's corpses hanging upside down in Milano! $140.00