ID card - Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943 Price:$45.00 Product category: Forced Labour Camps ID card -Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943Specifics: Forced labor itemsIdentification docs - IDStock: 1
Certificate Issue to a Polish Worker Who Worked as Trader 1942 Certificate Issue to a Polish Worker Who Worked as Trader 1942 $120.00
Set of Documents to a Polish Man from Warsaw - Certificates and ID Card 1944 Set of Documents to a Polish Man from Warsaw - Certificates and ID Card 1944 $220.00
Ausweis Issued to a Polish Maintenance Worker of the East Railways 1944 Ausweis Issued to a Polish Maintenance Worker of the East Railways 1944 $60.00
German III Reich Period Postal Identity Card to Polish Woman 1944 German III Reich Period Postal Identity Card to Polish Woman 1944 $85.00