ID card - Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943 Price:$45.00 Product category: Forced Labour Camps ID card -Railways ticket - personal ID ausweis - 1943Specifics: Forced labor itemsIdentification docs - IDStock: 1
Factory Ausweis to a Polish woman from Bromberg who worked for Georg Sther Maschinenfabrik - 1943 Factory Ausweis to a Polish woman from Bromberg who worked for Georg Sther Maschinenfabrik - 1943 $70.00
WW2 - Ausweis ID's from Vereinigte Aluminiu Werke 1939 for forced laborer ! WW2 - Ausweis ID's from Vereinigte Aluminiu Werke 1939 for forced laborer ! $120.00
WW2 - 2 Postal identity cards from a married couple from Leipzig WW2 - 2 Postal identity cards from a married couple from Leipzig $220.00
Personal files - Worker - Steam power plant- 1940 Personal files - Worker - Steam power plant- 1940 $100.00