Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
Supre rare Estonian anti-Semitic magazine "Juudid" N. 3 (6) - 1923 Supre rare Estonian anti-Semitic magazine "Juudid" N. 3 (6) - 1923 $120.00
Ghetto Warsaw - Amazing artifact: a wooden truncheon used by Jewish Ordnungsdienst or Jewish ghetto police in Warsaw ghetto!!! Ghetto Warsaw - Amazing artifact: a wooden truncheon used by Jewish Ordnungsdienst or Jewish ghetto police in Warsaw ghetto!!! $7,600.00
WW 2 - 2 Ukrainian banknotes issued during the German occupation in 1942 of 10 and 20 Karbowanez WW 2 - 2 Ukrainian banknotes issued during the German occupation in 1942 of 10 and 20 Karbowanez $80.00
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Alice Sara Lasch . With red "J" stamped Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Alice Sara Lasch . With red "J" stamped $580.00