Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Jewish couple 2 ID - 1939 and 1945 Gouvernmant of Palestine Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDJewish itemsStock: 0
Ultra rare poster in German and Czech printed in Prague by Nazi occupation forces where it's announced the execution of Czechoslovak resistance movement "Obrana Národa" leaders for high treason ordered by Reinhard Heydrich himself!!! Ultra rare poster in German and Czech printed in Prague by Nazi occupation forces where it's announced the execution of Czechoslovak resistance movement "Obrana Národa" leaders for high treason ordered by Reinhard Heydrich himself!!! $290.00
Very rare anti-Semitic and racist foldable paper game that show some drawings of different races blaming Jews for war Very rare anti-Semitic and racist foldable paper game that show some drawings of different races blaming Jews for war $250.00
Private taken picture of Hermann Göring with his daughter Edda Göring in his villa in Berchtesgaden removed from his personal photo album! Private taken picture of Hermann Göring with his daughter Edda Göring in his villa in Berchtesgaden removed from his personal photo album! $90.00
Very rare Cerezan poison canister made by BAYER in I.G FARBEN Industry, similar to ZYKLON B poison. Marked with the famous GIFT poison logo as the Zyklon B canister Very rare Cerezan poison canister made by BAYER in I.G FARBEN Industry, similar to ZYKLON B poison. Marked with the famous GIFT poison logo as the Zyklon B canister $350.00