Judaica - 5 documents from Jewish religious community related to wedding announcements. All issued by P. Raczko Rabbi the of Miedzyrzecz Podlaski - 1938/39
Price: | $280.00 |
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Judaica 5 documents from Jewish religious community related to wedding announcements. All issued by the P. Raczko Rabbi of Miedzyrzecz Podlaski and dated 1938/39. Documents are issued for different Jewish names. Among others, families: Fiszman , Najman , Dyment, Feldman , Meler, Barmbaum , mendel , Goldzak , Berensztejn , Gizman. Very interesting material for further studies on the Jewish community of this region. It's terrifying what probably happened to all these people in the next years few years. Condition of all documents is very good.
