KL Flossenburg folded letter send by inmate in 1944 Price:$100.00 Product category: Concentration Camps KL Flossenburg 10.9.44, form cardletter with censorship and reverse framed cancel of 3 lines "by packages … . " Specifics: Documents & paperworkLettersTags: Concentration campStock: 1
Auschwitz - Jug from Municipal Hospital Auschwitz ! Auschwitz - Jug from Municipal Hospital Auschwitz ! $620.00
KL Buchenwald - Marquetry Cigarette Case of Czech Inmate KL Buchenwald KL Buchenwald - Marquetry Cigarette Case of Czech Inmate KL Buchenwald $760.00
KL Buchenwald - Curious formal petition document made in 1939 by KL Buchenwald Kommandantur to the Czech priest office of Czech church ! KL Buchenwald - Curious formal petition document made in 1939 by KL Buchenwald Kommandantur to the Czech priest office of Czech church ! $220.00
KL Auschwitz folded pre-printed letterhead send by inmate from the MUSEUM in the camp! KL Auschwitz folded pre-printed letterhead send by inmate from the MUSEUM in the camp! $320.00