KL Flossenburg - Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Parcel card order send to prisoner of camp KL Flossenburg On back side signature of camp censor ! Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 0
WW2 - Bundle of 14 period photos related to Panzertruppen WW2 - Bundle of 14 period photos related to Panzertruppen $160.00
WW2 - Great and one of a kind item! Zinc panel to threaten Polish population in Krakow for slander! WW2 - Great and one of a kind item! Zinc panel to threaten Polish population in Krakow for slander! $1,200.00
WW2 - ID document to a Polish engineer for a train factory dated 1945 WW2 - ID document to a Polish engineer for a train factory dated 1945 $85.00
KL Dachau - Original Dachau Polish inmate armband! KL Dachau - Original Dachau Polish inmate armband! $300.00