KL Sachsenhausen ( Oranienburg ) - etter sent by prisoner from camp in 1943 Price:$100.00 Product category: Concentration Camps KL Sachsenhausen ( Oranienburg ) - letter sent by prisoner from camp in 1943 Probably German prisonerSpecifics: KL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 1
KL Ravensbruck - Unique correspondence sent to the Czech women prisoner in the famous women's camp KL Ravensbruck 1943 KL Ravensbruck - Unique correspondence sent to the Czech women prisoner in the famous women's camp KL Ravensbruck 1943 $220.00
KL Stutthof - subcamp Schichau-Werke Elbing - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KLStutthof to his sister in Dobben -( now Dobre ) - 1944 KL Stutthof - subcamp Schichau-Werke Elbing - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KLStutthof to his sister in Dobben -( now Dobre ) - 1944 $420.00
KL Ravensbruck - Letter sent by a Polish women inmate in KL Ravensbruck - January 1942. KL Ravensbruck - Letter sent by a Polish women inmate in KL Ravensbruck - January 1942. $100.00
Kl Mauthausen - Gusen - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KL Gusen to his wife in Samter ( Szamotuly ) - 1944. Kl Mauthausen - Gusen - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KL Gusen to his wife in Samter ( Szamotuly ) - 1944. $130.00