Rare collection of some bulletins of the Association of inmates of KL Oranienburg, located in France. Associations like this, known as Amical, were very common along Europe after the war to defend...
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Rare collection of some bulletins of the Association of inmates of KL Oranienburg, located in France. Associations like this, known as Amical, were very common along Europe after the war to defend the rights of all the survivors of Nazi concentration camps. These are all news bulletins that were sent monthly to the subscriptors and members of the association. Set also comprises a very old French edition of "Oranienburg" by Gebhart Seger, a survivor of the camp and the first first-hand testimony of a camp survivor that was transmitted to paper of a camp inmate.. It describes the experience of Gerhart Sager, a German socialdemocrat who was taken to Oranienburg concentration camp by the Nazi authorities and then escaped from the camp and left Europe living until his last days in New York. Sager was also a pacifist and political activist during his life. Booklet is in very good condition and it's written in French is from 1934 , newspapers from 1952 ,1963 ,1964 ,1965
All in good condition.
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