KL Stutthof - Konzentrationslager - Concentration camp - Letter sent from camp prisoner Price:$250.00 Product category: Concentration Camps Letter from the KL Stutthof Letters from this camp are quite rare. Perfect condition Specifics: KL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 1
KL Stutthof - Very Rare Death Certificate from KL Stutthof - 1943 KL Stutthof - Very Rare Death Certificate from KL Stutthof - 1943 $320.00
Shipping Receipt Card of a Parcel Sent to a Prisoner in KL Natzweiler-Struthof in 1943 Shipping Receipt Card of a Parcel Sent to a Prisoner in KL Natzweiler-Struthof in 1943 $100.00
Ausweis Issued to a Polish Woman Allowing Her to Enter a German Training Camp in Bergen Belsen Ausweis Issued to a Polish Woman Allowing Her to Enter a German Training Camp in Bergen Belsen $360.00
Parcel Shipment Receipt to a Prisoner in KL Natzweiler in 1943 Parcel Shipment Receipt to a Prisoner in KL Natzweiler in 1943 $120.00