KL Stutthof - prisoner personal number ! Price:$160.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives KL Stutthof - prisoner personal number ! Very rare item find near camp !Specifics: KL inmates belongingsRelicsStock: 0
KL Auschwitz - Birkenau - Great example of a letter send from Auschwitz by an women inmate in 1944 KL Auschwitz - Birkenau - Great example of a letter send from Auschwitz by an women inmate in 1944 $220.00
WW 2 - Outstanding and scarce rubber suit used by German army during WW 2 - Outstanding and scarce rubber suit used by German army during $620.00
WW 2 - Nice well worn condition infantry visor cap of the Wehrmacht WW 2 - Nice well worn condition infantry visor cap of the Wehrmacht $680.00
KL Buchenwald - Awesome set of documents and photos to a Polish POW that was later transferred to KL Buchenwald - Kapo document !!! KL Buchenwald - Awesome set of documents and photos to a Polish POW that was later transferred to KL Buchenwald - Kapo document !!! $890.00