KL Stutthof - prisoner personal number ! Price:$160.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives KL Stutthof - prisoner personal number ! Very rare item find near camp !Specifics: KL inmates belongingsRelicsStock: 0
Kl Buchenwald - Document from the " NSDAP Office of the Fuhrer "about on the release of her husband + his letter from Buchenwald Kl Buchenwald - Document from the " NSDAP Office of the Fuhrer "about on the release of her husband + his letter from Buchenwald $280.00
Legion Condor Spanish Cruz de Guerra badge made from solid silver Legion Condor Spanish Cruz de Guerra badge made from solid silver $275.00
Allgemeine SS - Nice private made photo of some Allgemeine SS men marching Allgemeine SS - Nice private made photo of some Allgemeine SS men marching $28.00
Waffen SS - Awesome postcard size portrait of a Waffen SS-Sturmmann Waffen SS - Awesome postcard size portrait of a Waffen SS-Sturmmann $50.00