Letter Sent in 1944 by Female Prisoner From of KL Ravensbruck - Furstenberg Price:$120.00 Product category: Concentration Camps Letter Sent in 1944 by Female Prisoner From of KL Ravensbruck - Furstenberg. Prisoner number 14713. Censorship ink stamp. Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersTags: Concentration campStock: 1
Notification document sent by KL Natzweiler-Strutthof Kommandantur to Kripo central office in Nuremberg Notification document sent by KL Natzweiler-Strutthof Kommandantur to Kripo central office in Nuremberg $560.00
Rare Notification Letter Sent by Kommandantur in KL Natzweiler to KriPo Office in Nuremberg 1944 Rare Notification Letter Sent by Kommandantur in KL Natzweiler to KriPo Office in Nuremberg 1944 $420.00
Very rare letter sent by Kommandantur in KL Lichtenburg and sigened by Lagerkommandant SS-Standartenführer Hans Helwig - 1937 Very rare letter sent by Kommandantur in KL Lichtenburg and sigened by Lagerkommandant SS-Standartenführer Hans Helwig - 1937 $1,300.00
KL Stutthof - Very rare death certificate issued regrading a KL Stutthof prisoner that died in 1943 in that concentration camp! KL Stutthof - Very rare death certificate issued regrading a KL Stutthof prisoner that died in 1943 in that concentration camp! $480.00