Very rare - Index card for young boy - This document should be in the archive ! Price:$100.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives Very rare - Index card - This document was in the archive and owner get normal Kennkarte. Rare item Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Double side - Jewish Advertising Shop Panel from Poland - Chaim Holzman - Lodz - Litzmannstadt Double side - Jewish Advertising Shop Panel from Poland - Chaim Holzman - Lodz - Litzmannstadt $1,600.00
Example of the infamous and violent anti-Semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer". Example of the infamous and violent anti-Semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer". $130.00
Extremely anti-Semitic book published by Der Stürmer Verlag with caricatures of Jews made by Der Stürmer Extremely anti-Semitic book published by Der Stürmer Verlag with caricatures of Jews made by Der Stürmer $860.00
Racist & Anti Semitic Pamphlet DER UNTERMENSCH German Racist & Anti Semitic Pamphlet DER UNTERMENSCH German $620.00