WW II - ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 Price:$80.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 . With photo and fingerprints of the bearer. Very good condition. Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
KL Buchenwald - Very rare postcard sent by female prisoner she " work like schreibstube "writing room ! 1944 KL Buchenwald - Very rare postcard sent by female prisoner she " work like schreibstube "writing room ! 1944 $220.00
Ultra rare Dutch version of the racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!! Ultra rare Dutch version of the racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!! $620.00
Anti Semitic - Jewish - propaganda book " Der Trug vom Sinai " 1934 Anti Semitic - Jewish - propaganda book " Der Trug vom Sinai " 1934 $65.00
Rarity Judaica- Hartwig Kantorowicz ceramic liqueur bottle ALLASCH ORLOW Bottle Posen Rarity Judaica- Hartwig Kantorowicz ceramic liqueur bottle ALLASCH ORLOW Bottle Posen $260.00