WW II - ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 Price:$80.00 Product category: Sold items/Archives ID card to a Ukrainian who worked as a farmer 1942 . With photo and fingerprints of the bearer. Very good condition. Specifics: Documents & paperworkIdentification docs - IDStock: 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Propaganda films pamphlet produced in Nazi Germany attacking the Jewish in iconic movie JUD SÜß 1940 ! Anti Semitic - Jewish - Propaganda films pamphlet produced in Nazi Germany attacking the Jewish in iconic movie JUD SÜß 1940 ! $70.00
WW2 - Set of WinterhilfsWerk plastic insignias of different working instruments WW2 - Set of WinterhilfsWerk plastic insignias of different working instruments $35.00
Very rare ceramic coffee cup recovered from HASAG munition factory and maker marked! Very rare ceramic coffee cup recovered from HASAG munition factory and maker marked! $220.00
Amazing photo of a German Wehrmacht solider posing while grabbing the beard of a Polish Jew Amazing photo of a German Wehrmacht solider posing while grabbing the beard of a Polish Jew $150.00