WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private photo with his family Price:$20.00 Product category: Sold items/ArchivesMilitary Division: Panzer Truppen WW2 Wehrmacht Panzerkorps soldier's private postcard photo with his familySpecifics: Photos - Photo albumsSoldier personal itemsStock: 0
KL Naztweiler-Struthof in Alsace - Parcel Order Receipt Sent to Inmate 1943 KL Naztweiler-Struthof in Alsace - Parcel Order Receipt Sent to Inmate 1943 $120.00
3 Reich - German Official Handbook "Handbuch der SA" 1939 3 Reich - German Official Handbook "Handbuch der SA" 1939 $180.00
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Former Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz Concentration Camps, Commander Josef Kramer. Former Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz Concentration Camps, Commander Josef Kramer. $100.00