Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1943 Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1943 $560.00 Read more about Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1943
Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1941 Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1941 $520.00 Read more about Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1941
Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children! Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children! $1,950.00 Read more about Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children!
Dutch Anti-Semitic newspaper "De Doodsklok"- " The Death Bell ". Number 10 - 1940 Dutch Anti-Semitic newspaper "De Doodsklok"- " The Death Bell ". Number 10 - 1940 $280.00 Read more about Dutch Anti-Semitic newspaper "De Doodsklok"- " The Death Bell ". Number 10 - 1940
Rare newspaper of the Ordungspolizei "Die Deutsche Polizei". Number 1/2 of the 12. Year. January 1944 Rare newspaper of the Ordungspolizei "Die Deutsche Polizei". Number 1/2 of the 12. Year. January 1944 $230.00 Read more about Rare newspaper of the Ordungspolizei "Die Deutsche Polizei". Number 1/2 of the 12. Year. January 1944
Very rare set of 3 Czech newspapers talking about the passing of the Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich after the terrorist attack he suffered in Prague in May 1942 Very rare set of 3 Czech newspapers talking about the passing of the Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich after the terrorist attack he suffered in Prague in May 1942 $380.00 Read more about Very rare set of 3 Czech newspapers talking about the passing of the Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich after the terrorist attack he suffered in Prague in May 1942
Very rare monthly magazine "FM-Zeitschrift" for members of the SS-Foerderndes Mitglieder or SS Patron Member association. Number 1 of the 4th year. 1937 Very rare monthly magazine "FM-Zeitschrift" for members of the SS-Foerderndes Mitglieder or SS Patron Member association. Number 1 of the 4th year. 1937 $260.00 Read more about Very rare monthly magazine "FM-Zeitschrift" for members of the SS-Foerderndes Mitglieder or SS Patron Member association. Number 1 of the 4th year. 1937
Book entitled "Waffenbrüder Finnland. Ein Buch fur die deutschen Soldaten in Finnland" - 1942 Book entitled "Waffenbrüder Finnland. Ein Buch fur die deutschen Soldaten in Finnland" - 1942 $100.00 Read more about Book entitled "Waffenbrüder Finnland. Ein Buch fur die deutschen Soldaten in Finnland" - 1942
Post-Spanish Civil War book "Deutsche kaempfen in Spanien" about Legion Condor participation 1939 Post-Spanish Civil War book "Deutsche kaempfen in Spanien" about Legion Condor participation 1939 $120.00 Read more about Post-Spanish Civil War book "Deutsche kaempfen in Spanien" about Legion Condor participation 1939
The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover. The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover. $190.00 Read more about The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover.
1944 year's compilation of III Reich public trustee's published official notifications for the use in the publich service 1944 year's compilation of III Reich public trustee's published official notifications for the use in the publich service $90.00 Read more about 1944 year's compilation of III Reich public trustee's published official notifications for the use in the publich service
Der Sturmer - Rare anti Semitic 3 Reich poster "When Jews laugh" publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! Der Sturmer - Rare anti Semitic 3 Reich poster "When Jews laugh" publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! $820.00 Read more about Der Sturmer - Rare anti Semitic 3 Reich poster "When Jews laugh" publishing by the Sturmer publishig house !
NSDAP - Period compilation of the bulletin "The National Socialist municipality" published by NSDAP organisation for municipality politics - year 1940 !!! NSDAP - Period compilation of the bulletin "The National Socialist municipality" published by NSDAP organisation for municipality politics - year 1940 !!! $80.00 Read more about NSDAP - Period compilation of the bulletin "The National Socialist municipality" published by NSDAP organisation for municipality politics - year 1940 !!!
Anti-Semitic, anti-Bolshevik and anti-Freemasonry propaganda leaflet to join the French righ-winged movement "French League" that supported Nazism Anti-Semitic, anti-Bolshevik and anti-Freemasonry propaganda leaflet to join the French righ-winged movement "French League" that supported Nazism $380.00 Read more about Anti-Semitic, anti-Bolshevik and anti-Freemasonry propaganda leaflet to join the French righ-winged movement "French League" that supported Nazism
Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two different type ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Vien - 1938 sent like money registration . Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two different type ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Vien - 1938 sent like money registration . $100.00 Read more about Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two different type ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Vien - 1938 sent like money registration .
Nazi propaganda leaflet with provocative messages such as "Jews and Czech are welcome" or "Germans are not welcome in Austria" Nazi propaganda leaflet with provocative messages such as "Jews and Czech are welcome" or "Germans are not welcome in Austria" $160.00 Read more about Nazi propaganda leaflet with provocative messages such as "Jews and Czech are welcome" or "Germans are not welcome in Austria"
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House $2,300.00 Read more about Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House
Rare anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik postcard of the famous poster "Bolschewismus ohne Maske" echibition - 1939 Rare anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik postcard of the famous poster "Bolschewismus ohne Maske" echibition - 1939 $70.00 Read more about Rare anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik postcard of the famous poster "Bolschewismus ohne Maske" echibition - 1939
Unused application form to be a member of the "Deutschvoelkischen Schutz- und Trutz-Bund", the largest and most influential anti-Semitic federation in Germany after WW1 Unused application form to be a member of the "Deutschvoelkischen Schutz- und Trutz-Bund", the largest and most influential anti-Semitic federation in Germany after WW1 $80.00 Read more about Unused application form to be a member of the "Deutschvoelkischen Schutz- und Trutz-Bund", the largest and most influential anti-Semitic federation in Germany after WW1
1940-1942 Reservistika plate dedicated a Swedish soldier of an 8. infantry company Oremolla 1940-1942 Reservistika plate dedicated a Swedish soldier of an 8. infantry company Oremolla $75.00 Read more about 1940-1942 Reservistika plate dedicated a Swedish soldier of an 8. infantry company Oremolla
Very impresive huge set of documents to the German pianist and compositor Gunter Wolfgang Bober Very impresive huge set of documents to the German pianist and compositor Gunter Wolfgang Bober $280.00 Read more about Very impresive huge set of documents to the German pianist and compositor Gunter Wolfgang Bober
Rare propaganda leaflet with a text written by the British fascist and anti-communist and anti-Semitic John Amery Rare propaganda leaflet with a text written by the British fascist and anti-communist and anti-Semitic John Amery $130.00 Read more about Rare propaganda leaflet with a text written by the British fascist and anti-communist and anti-Semitic John Amery
Rare anti-semitic and anti-British Dutch propaganda poster published in the Nederlands to indoctrinate the population Rare anti-semitic and anti-British Dutch propaganda poster published in the Nederlands to indoctrinate the population $280.00 Read more about Rare anti-semitic and anti-British Dutch propaganda poster published in the Nederlands to indoctrinate the population
Nice but severly rusted enamelled metal plaque of the III Reich period newspaper "Preussische Zeitung" edition and picking up Nice but severly rusted enamelled metal plaque of the III Reich period newspaper "Preussische Zeitung" edition and picking up $390.00 Read more about Nice but severly rusted enamelled metal plaque of the III Reich period newspaper "Preussische Zeitung" edition and picking up
Impressive and complete photo album of a German U-Boot crew member of the 3. U-Flottille LOHS based in Kiel - 1938/39 Impressive and complete photo album of a German U-Boot crew member of the 3. U-Flottille LOHS based in Kiel - 1938/39 $1,200.00 Read more about Impressive and complete photo album of a German U-Boot crew member of the 3. U-Flottille LOHS based in Kiel - 1938/39
Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele $320.00 Read more about Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele
Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer $130.00 Read more about Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer
Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940 Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940 $180.00 Read more about Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940
Anti-communist propaganda booklet "Warum Krieg mit Stalin?" (Why war with Stalin?) - 1941 Anti-communist propaganda booklet "Warum Krieg mit Stalin?" (Why war with Stalin?) - 1941 $130.00 Read more about Anti-communist propaganda booklet "Warum Krieg mit Stalin?" (Why war with Stalin?) - 1941
Really stunning private taken photo of Hitler with Generalfeldmarschall der Wehrmacht Werner von Blomberg and other army officers saluting Hitler Really stunning private taken photo of Hitler with Generalfeldmarschall der Wehrmacht Werner von Blomberg and other army officers saluting Hitler $240.00 Read more about Really stunning private taken photo of Hitler with Generalfeldmarschall der Wehrmacht Werner von Blomberg and other army officers saluting Hitler