Anti Semitic - Jewish - Supre rare Estonian anti-Semitic magazine "Juudid" N. 4 (7) - 1923
Price: | $120.00 |

Super rare and old Estonian anti-Semitic magazine called "Juudid", published in 1923 in its number 4 (7). In Baltic Countries, the anti-Semitism and Jewish pogroms were very common during the XIX century and early XX century, also influenced by the anti-Semitism that could be lived in Zarist Russia. After the German occupation, Estonia was one of the first lands to be Judenfrei (free of Jews), with the collaboration of the Estonian authorities and police as well as ordinary men.
Magazine has many anti-Semitic texts and also cartoons showing the Jews as stealers, paedophiles, guilty of ruining countries and accusing them of doing horrible sacrifices with children to do Jewish rituals. All so obscure and always with conspiracy as a background.
This number has on the front cover a cartoon and title " News ! World has fallen for Jews . Greater air disaster- Jewish law enforcement. "
Condition is excellent.