KL Buchenwald Set and Relist with Signature of Wilhelm Frerichs
Price: | $1,100.00 |
Big Set of Documents of a Former Inmate in KL Buchenwald Entlassungschein (Relase certificate) issued in February 1942 by the Kommandanturin on KL Buchenwald to a German prisoner with signature of Wilhelm Frerichs. Period repair. Certificate issued in december 1938 in Landsberg about his working period. Broken document by repaired. His Working book (Arbeitsbuch) where there's only one enrty. Prisoner's mother's ID Booklet with photo issued in 1946. Letter sent to his mother in 1982 from the Capital of Bavaria Munich, regarding her Ausweis. Certificate issued in 1952 by the Bavaria Land Government acknowledging this man as persecuted for his political ideas during Nazism. Letter send in 1953 by the Public prosecutor office in Munich regarding the criminal records of this man during his imprisonment. Letter sent in october 1945 by Bavarian Red Cross from the department of politically persecuted. Booklet filled in in 1948 with information of this man printed by American occupation forces, regarding his imprisonment in KL Buchenwald. Participation delegate card in the Buchenwald camp liberation day celebration from 1948. Card is issued by the VVN association of politically persecuted people during Nazism. It says: Fighters against Fascism - Fighters for the Peace. VVN Association Advertising postcard that reads: To honor the dead. To the living a duty. Circulated in 1948.
Wilhelm Frerichs (born August 16, 1900 in Salzbergen; † unknown) was a German SS-Obersturmfuhrer and, as criminal secretary, head of the political department in Buchenwald concentration camp.After finishing school in 1917, Frerichs did his military service, first with the Imperial Navy and then with the provisional Reichsmarine until 1920. Then Frerichs was employed by the water police until 1930.Frerichs became a member of the NSDAP in 1937 (membership number 4.293.088), of which he was a brief member from 1925, and also joined the SS (SS number 310.578). In 1937 Frerichs worked briefly in the Lichtenburg concentration camp. In the same year, after the concentration camp was dissolved, Frerichs moved to the Buchenwald concentration camp and headed the political department there. However, his colleague Hubert Leclaire appeared more prominent in Buchenwald, as he was feared by the mistreatment of concentration camp prisoners during interrogation in Buchenwald. In the late summer of 1942, Frerichs moved to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp as head of the political department. From 1944 Frerichs was deployed in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which he left on April 12, 1945 before the British Army took over.After the end of the Second World War, Frerichs was last seen alive by eyewitnesses in the summer of 1947 in special camp No. 2 in Buchenwald.