KL Sachsenhausen ( Oranienburg ) - etter sent by prisoner from camp in 1943 Price:$100.00 Product category: Concentration Camps KL Sachsenhausen ( Oranienburg ) - letter sent by prisoner from camp in 1943 Probably German prisonerSpecifics: KL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 1
Death Certificate Issued in KL Flossenburg of Deceased Polish Prisoner 1943 Death Certificate Issued in KL Flossenburg of Deceased Polish Prisoner 1943 $480.00
KL Auschwitz Telegram With Death Notice of Prisoner KL Auschwitz Telegram With Death Notice of Prisoner $260.00
Rare KL Lublin-Majdanek Prisoner Death Notification Rare KL Lublin-Majdanek Prisoner Death Notification $580.00
2 rare format letters sent by Polish prisoner from KL Sachsenhausen and KL Gross-Rosen to his wife - 1940/1941 2 rare format letters sent by Polish prisoner from KL Sachsenhausen and KL Gross-Rosen to his wife - 1940/1941 $190.00