Very large set after prisoner of 3 different concentration camps - KL Auschwitz , KL Dachau and KL Mauthausen $620.00 0
Forced Labor - Extremely rare working pass of a Polish worker of the secret BMW Fort Wola Factory in Warsaw! Only 220 workers there! $580.00 0
WW2 - Great set of 2 ID cards to a Polish worker of a Lager! - Arbeitskarte and Factory ID! $170.00 0
WW II - Really unique temporary ID Card handwritten with beautiful letter and issued to a Ukrainian man from Dnipropetrovsk 1944 $120.00 0
Interesting and really worn immediate post war set of 3 documens to a Pole who was in KL Dachau and KL Sachsenhausen $120.00 0
KL Dachau - Very rare document of employment of a Dachau concentration camp guard of the 1.SS - Totenkopfverbände "Oberbayern"!!! $95.00 0
WW II - February 1945 - Ultra rare ID from Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke company for Belgium worker! $320.00 0
WW II - ID pass to a forced laborer from Poland who worked for a "Hermann Göring AG" factory 1945 $100.00 0
WW II - Factory ID pass to a forced laborer from Ukraine who worked in a bathroom fitting factory $100.00 0
WW2 - ID pass issued to a Pole who was used as forced labor employed in an aircraft factory of the Luftwaffe $110.00 0
Rare ID pass to a young girl for the Düsseldorf Ice Palace for the practice of ice skating durign winter 1937/38 $35.00 0
Nice set to a Deutsche Rotes Kreuz Vorhelfer in the Wehrmacht!! Soldbuch + DRK ID pass to same man! $160.00 0
Forced Labor - AEG factory metal plate ID ground dug in a former forced labor camp + Very nice laminated working pass to a Pole who worked for AEG $160.00 0
Forced Labor - Nice factory ID pass to a Polish forced Laborer who worked for a metal company $140.00 0
WW2 - Rare case of ID card made before German occupation of Poland but modified by Nazi authorities!!! $130.00 0
Auschwitz - Ultra rare factory ID pass to a woman who worked in Monowitz-Auschwitz III IG Farben Dwory factory!!! $620.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Awesome researched set of documents to a Pole who was in Auschwitz and Neuengamme! $650.00 0
Forced Labor - Dynamit Actien Gesellschaft factory ID pass and driving license to a Polish forced laborer $220.00 0
Holocaust - Impressive set of documents that belonged to a 12 years persecuted Jew from Nürnberg ! Survive war living all war in Germany !!!! Also his David star ! $1,960.00 0
Forced Labor - Great set of an Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer + "P" cloth patch for Polish forced laborer + document $180.00 0
Forced Labor - Pair of ID cards issued to a Polish woman who worked as forced laborer for Deutsche Edelstahlwerke in Hannover $80.00 0
Forced Labor - Very nice laminated working pass to a Pole who worked for AEG - Litzmannstadt $100.00 0